
Manhattan Night

Manhattan Nocturne
Directed by: Brian DeCubellis

Cinema program "Manhattan Night" in Gdynia

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Movie poster Tajemnice Manhattanu
Original title: Manhattan Nocturne
Runtime: 113 min.
Production: USA , 2016
Category: crime / thriller
Release Date: 15 July 2016
Distribution: Next Film

Directed by: Brian DeCubellis
Cast: Adrien Brody, Yvonne Strahovski, Jennifer Beals

New York, half of the 90s Porter Wren, columnist poczytnego tabloid sells readers scandals, murder and death. It is a chronicler of nightmare in a city where everyone believes that it will meet his American dream. But there are stories that Wren would never describe his readers - the ones in which he participates. As the story found in a building intended for demolition corpses brilliant director. When a young widow entrusted Wren key to a secret video archives husband, journalist speculates that just became a hero of one of his sensational columns. The contents of the tapes because it will lead to the heart of a media empire which he is a part.

Secrets of Manhattan is a stylish noir in the spirit of Raymond Chandler novel. A pessimistic vision of the disintegration of America, where there is no longer the last of the righteous - are just murderers and their accomplices.

Average rate: 6.0
rating 6.0 rating 6.0 rating 6.0 rating 6.0 rating 6.0 rating 6.0 rating 6.0 rating 6.0 rating 6.0 rating 6.0
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IMDb© rate: Tajemnice Manhattanu on IMDb

Movie trailer: Manhattan Night

Your comments

Kat 9. August 2016, 18:51

Mi się podobał, miał sens i podwójne dno i to chodzi w dobrym filmie. Polecam

Aga 21. July 2016, 18:54

Tragicznie zły. Odradzam.

Mariposa 17. July 2016, 20:09

Trochę jak stary, dobry "Nagi instynkt" - miło się oglądało.

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