

Directed by: Cate Shortland

Cinema program "Somersault" in Gdynia

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Movie poster Salto
Original title: Somersault
Runtime: 106 min.
Production: Australia , 2004
Release Date: 7 April 2006
Distribution: Solopan

Directed by: Cate Shortland
Cast: Abbie Cornish, Sam Worthington, Lynette Curran, Nathaniel Dean

  Somersault is the story of a sensual journey of a young girl, in which she learns the meaning of true love, family and friendship. Living with a single mother, 16-year-old Heidi (Abbie Cornish) desires true affection for him in short-term sexual relationships that are the backbone of the physical and emotional contact he wants. Mother's confrontation is a catalyst for leaving home and escaping to the winter resort of Lake Jindabyne ...

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