
The Mercy

Directed by: James Marsh

Cinema program "The Mercy" in Gdynia

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Movie poster Na głęboką wodę
Original title: The Mercy
Runtime: 102 min.
Production: Wlk. Brytania , 2018
Category: adventure / biography / drama
Release Date: 29 June 2018
Distribution: Best Film

Directed by: James Marsh
Cast: Colin Firth, Rachel Weisz, David Thewlis

The true story of an amateur sailor directed by Oscar winner James Marsh ("Theory of Everything") with the wonderful roles of Colin Firth and Rachel Weisz.
Claire and Donald Crowhurst are a happy and in love marriage with three children. When a family business breaks down to ensure a family's existence, Donald decides to take a risky step. An ingenious inventor decides to take part in a sailing race around the world - the Sunday Times Golden Globe. Without experience, without preparation, without deviating from the route must survive a lonely journey and win the race. Donald wants to achieve success at all costs, which he deserves to admire his loved ones.

Average rate: 5.0
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IMDb© rate: Na głęboką wodę on IMDb

Movie trailer: The Mercy

Your comments

Eva 16. July 2018, 15:09

Piękny film - polecam.

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