

Directed by: Ari Aster

Cinema program "Midsommar" in Gdynia

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Movie poster Midsommar. W biały dzień
Original title: Midsommar
Runtime: 141 min.
Production: USA , 2019
Release Date: 5 July 2019
Distribution: Gutek Film

Directed by: Ari Aster
Cast: Florence Pugh, Will Poulter, Jack Reynor

What you fear most is lurking in the sun.

Dani and Christian are young Americans who do not get along in a relationship and with the last of their strength trying to save their relationship. The family tragedy makes the mourning Dani decide to join Christian and his friends on a summer expedition to the north of Sweden. There, in a village cut off from the world, once every 90 years is celebrated the ancient holiday associated with the summer solstice. A romantic trip quickly takes on a cruel and disturbing face. The idyllic landscapes will become a field for Dani and Christian, an unequal battle for their relationship and an attempt to overcome their own weaknesses.

"Midsommar. In broad daylight "is a new film by Ari Aster, a visionary of contemporary cinema and one of the most interesting young artists. Director of the world hit "Dziedzictwo. Hereditary "created a dark tale, taking place in broad daylight. The starring stars of the young generation were: Florence Pugh ("Lady M.", "Passenger"), Will Poulter ("Black Mirror: Bandersnatch", "Prisoner of the Labyrinth") and Jack Reynor ("Transformers: The Age of Destruction", " Macbeth ").

Average rate: 5.0
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IMDb© rate: Midsommar. W biały dzień on IMDb

Movie trailer: Midsommar

Your comments

Majka 26. August 2019, 11:05

Przestrzegam mało odpornych. Nie jestem jakaś wyjątkowo wrażliwa, ale żałuję, że to widziałam. Chyba nie dotyczatałam, że to horror. Koszmarne, ohydne, przerażające sceny za fasadą pozornie sielskiej scenerii. Musiałam zasłaniać oczy.

tix 7. July 2019, 10:22

Produkcji A24 - a to znaczy, że film jest ŚWIETNY i można oglądać w ciemno he he :) polecam!

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