
Summer 1993

Estiu 1993
Directed by: Carla Simon

Cinema program "Summer 1993" in Gdynia

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Movie poster Lato 1993
Original title: Estiu 1993
Runtime: 97 min.
Production: Hiszpania , 2017
Category: drama / family
Release Date: 6 April 2018
Distribution: Nowe Horyzonty

Directed by: Carla Simon
Cast: Laia Artigas, Paula Robles, Bruna Cusi

Summer 1993 is a time of difficult changes. Six-year-old Frida is to live with his uncle and his family in the Spanish province. However, this is not a holiday trip. The girl lost both parents - my mother recently died after a long illness - and must learn to live with new caregivers. The first feature film by Carla Simón is based partly on her childhood experiences. Avoiding sentimentality, the Catalan director draws a complex emotional portrait of a child who faces a wave of conflicting feelings - anger, jealousy, but also a growing sense of attachment. He intuitively shows the process of experiencing losses, focusing not on dramatic events, but on observing seemingly mundane everyday life. Her charismatic, mature-looking performer, Laia Artigas, helps her in this. This moving movie about the bitter taste of childhood was warmly welcomed at festivals around the world. In Berlin he received the award for the best debut.

Prepared by: Mariusz Mikliński

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Movie trailer: Summer 1993

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