

Directed by: Seth Gordon

Cinema program "Baywatch" in Gdynia

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Movie poster Baywatch. Słoneczny patrol
Original title: Baywatch
Runtime: 116 min.
Production: USA , 2017
Category: action / comedy / drama
Release Date: 9 June 2017
Distribution: UIP

Directed by: Seth Gordon
Cast: Zac Efron, Dwayne Johnson, Alexandra Daddario

A film version of the cult classic of the nineties of the twentieth century. It was just to watch this show, Joey and Chandler from "Friends" bought themselves super-comfortable seats and during the broadcast screamed the animated "Run, Pamela (Anderson), run!"
Full of spectacular rescue action, humor and, well, beautiful comedy man, directed by Seth Gordon, the creators of the hit comedy "Thief Identity" and "Heads of Enemies." On the screen we will see, among others. Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Zac Efron, Alexandra Daddario and Priyanka Chopra.
It is thanks to the series "Sunny patrol" gained popularity such as David Hasselhoff, Pamela Anderson, Carmen Electra and Nicole Eggert - one of the most recognizable faces of the nineties.

Average rate: 7.0
rating 7.0 rating 7.0 rating 7.0 rating 7.0 rating 7.0 rating 7.0 rating 7.0 rating 7.0 rating 7.0 rating 7.0
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IMDb© rate: Baywatch. Słoneczny patrol on IMDb

Movie trailer: Baywatch

Your comments

:) 15. June 2017, 17:59

Szczerze mówiąc,taki sobie,myślałam że się rozerwie ale w połowie filmu zaczęłam ziewać i się nudzić,owszem było kilka śmiesznych momentów,ale nie aż tyle jak się spodziewałam,film sztuczny,zrobiony jakby na siłę,żeby Nie powiedzieć głupi....

gm 12. June 2017, 9:44

od filmu oczekiwałem rozrywki i szczerze mówiąc dawno się tak nie uśmiałem.. dobry film na mały reset od codziennego stresu i powagi

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