

Directed by: Jared Hess

Cinema program "Masterminds" in Gdynia

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Movie poster Asy bez kasy
Original title: Masterminds
Runtime: 94 min.
Production: USA , 2015
Release Date: 21 October 2016
Distribution: Forum Film

Directed by: Jared Hess
Cast: Owen Wilson, Kristen Wiig, Jason Sudeikis, Zach Galifianakis

If you think that only a professional can steal $ 17 million from an armored vault, you're wrong. Meet the team that stands behind one of the most famous robberies in US history. The main star played by "The Hangover," Zach Galifianakis, supported by Owen Wilson ( "Trainees), Jason Sudeikis (" Millers ") and Kristen Wiig (" Bridesmaids ").

Dave (Galifianakis), in spite of social mismatch, trying to reliably perform the work escort. Day in and day transports millions of others, dreaming of his own fortune, and of winning hearts colleague (Wiig). Fantasies turn into reality when Steve along with the partners decides to steal the money deposited in the treasury of the shipping company. The potential of the newly formed gang crime is very low, but the action ends with unexpected success. Freshly baked criminals from fully share the happiness, however, thousands of police and federal agents. The hardest part is before them, because living in a hidden hard to spend millions and remain unnoticed.

Average rate: 6.0
rating 6.0 rating 6.0 rating 6.0 rating 6.0 rating 6.0 rating 6.0 rating 6.0 rating 6.0 rating 6.0 rating 6.0
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IMDb© rate: Asy bez kasy on IMDb

Movie trailer: Masterminds

Your comments

zadowolona 9. November 2016, 19:49

Super komedia.Od początku do końca filmu można boki zrywać.Godna polecenia.Za tydzień jeszcze raz pojdę ją obejżeć.Dawno tak dobrze w kinie się nie bawiłam.Daje 10 na 10

Karlajn 25. October 2016, 13:24

Film miał być sprawą drugoplanową(randka)więc wybraliśmy coś co nie będzie nam przeszkadzało zajmującą fabułą ale od pierwszych minut wyszedł na pierwszy plan. Jest tak irracjonalny, że pękaliśmy ze śmiechu od początku do końca. Była to najlepsza komedia na jakiej byłam w kinie...polecam.

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